Carolina Ramirez Quimera, Colombia

from $24.25

Carolina Ramirez Quimera, Colombia

Tasting Notes: Vanilla Bean, Coco Powder, Malt Candy, Hints of Cherry

Process: Natural

Region: Andes, Antoquia

Farm / Farmer: Guayacanes / Carolina Ramirez

Variety: Cenicafe 1

Alt: 1650 m.a.s.l.

Carolina Ramirez is a young female farmer who is also a lawyer and a long-distance runner! The “Quimera” is Carolina’s first natural processed coffee and we are honored to be showcasing it as a part of our lineup. Carolina took over her farm from her parents and began to make a name for herself within the specialty coffee world. While working with Unblended Coffee’s “Young Producers Program,” Carolina is one of the prominent young farmers in this program. While having a single variety of Cenicafe 1 at this particular farm, and taking the time, with the help of her mother, to hand sort the coffee, this particular natural is one of the cleanest and most balanced coffees we have seen at Mae. Carolina ferments the coffee for 14 hours and then dries them for 3 weeks on drying beds aiding it the coffee’s sweet and balanced profile. With sweet notes of vanilla bean and cocoa powder, this natural holds nice piercing notes of cherry that peak through and create a delightful coffee! We are so excited to partner not only with Unblended but also with Carolina and we are sure to bring on many more coffees from her for the foreseeable future.

Coffee sourced from Unblended Coffee LLC


Green Coffee: $7.40/lb

Transportation: $1.28/lb


10 oz — $6.65 / unit

5 lb — $13.50 / unit

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